From school student internship to bachelor degree work – we look for people with the "doer mentality".
It already pays off at school or in the theoretical part of your degree course to become familiar with the real everyday life in an industrial company away from a desk. According to experience, valuable perceptions particularly emerge here about your own preferences or a possible, future field of activity. At Wirthwein Medical, we provide all possibilities for school and university students and for entrants from different backgrounds to accumulate practical experiences and look behind the scenes of an internationally positioned system supplier.
In a trial internship or full-time internship, you gain an initial sense for the work in different specialist departments, valuable insights into the wide area of applications for plastics processing and of course all sorts of professional orientation possibilities.
Academic graduation work
You can achieve a lot, make a difference and score with us in the course of your graduation work. All you have to do for this is impress us with your project idea. We support you for the topic planning and for the final implementation of the bachelor, master or diploma work. Then we keep all doors wide open for you for a possible career start.

Your career start with Wirthwein Medical.
Send us now your convincing application with a short CV, realistic internship time period and all relevant certificates or qualifications. We will contact you promptly.
Apply now
Contact person
Wirthwein Medical GmbH & Co. KG
Sabrina Schauber
– Human Resources –
Bahnhofstraße 80
64367 Mühltal/Nieder-Ramstadt